Witness to Animal Abuse? Here: Rescue Solutions

Animal abusers are dangerous people.

It’s a proven fact that animal abusers often escalate their crimes against living beings to include humans — usually with disastrous results.

Domestic violence, too, is considered even more egregious when assaults (or worse) involve the pets of the victims.

We welcome reports of animal abuse of all types and kinds and will assist in intervening on behalf of the animals involved. Often, people that realize abuse is occurring are neighbors or even friends — sometimes those in close relationships with the abusers — and it can be dangerous for them to attempt to help without, literally, risking their own lives to do so.

There are ways to assist a helpless animals just as there are ways to assist people in such situations.

Horrific moment Seattle man is filmed torturing terrified dog…before rescue mission is launched | Daily Mail Online

Whatever the situation, we can and will assist. Our phones are answered 24/7 and we will respect and protect the identities of reporters that reach out for help.

No one will ever know how we came into the picture. Our goal is to effectively help victims without upending lives in the process. All of our services are free.

Helping to save an animal from abuse and/or death is sure to prevent others from suffering at the hands of abusers. It never begins and ends — with just one.

We provide traps and facilitate rescue of all types and kinds nationwide.