Yet another shooting has taken place — without a single lead as to whom the shooter/s might have been.
Many outdoorsmen will vouch for the fact that it’s barely possible to move so much as a shovelful of dirt from a state park or a single fish from virtually any body of water without encountering a ranger, questioning their activities. And, yet, these ‘random’ shootings continue with not one shred of evidence that might have indicated how the shooting/s occurred.
Could it be that the killers are emboldened by the negative press targeting specific animals and blaming them for federal expenditures that amount to BILLIONS of dollars?
Linked here is a standard ‘hit piece’ designed to create ‘ill will’ towards America’s horses and donkeys.
“Wild horses are the most wicked natural resource problem facing the West. But this is not the Bureau of Land Management’s problem, This is society’s problem.”
Terry Messmer, a wildlife range specialist at Utah State University and director of the Jack H. Berryman Institute for Human Wildlife Conflict Management
Is it true? Hardly.
America’s wild horses and donkeys have been forced to compete with cattle barons for decades. These animals actually search out and dig for water, keeping the ecosystem in balance.
One ‘horse welfare’ organization after another has fallen into the trap of changing sides in order to fund their interests, leaving the horses and donkeys to fend for themselves against the government onslaught against them. The overtly cruel roundups [watch the complete videos] have forced these animals into tiny, miserable BLM pens where they languish, separated from their families, until they finally die.
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