Owner of Dog Abandoned at Airport Charged

Owner charged with animal neglect for abandoning dog at Iowa airport says he ‘knew someone would take her’ (

While it’s incomprehensible to us that an animal owner would actually commit such a ridiculous act, it’s important for people to know how to react.

Fortunately, the foul weather had eased and this pup got a reprieve until airport officials finally recognized her plight — but this incident would not have had to occurred had the pup’s owner simply known what to do [whom to contact] in this instance.

Real rescue groups always have contacts in place for emergencies and simply arranging for emergency boarding of the dog would have brought a quick resolution until the pup could have been reunited with her owner.

[Even a call to RESCUERAILROAD.ORG would have resulted in rapid assistance: Available 24/7 for emergencies 888.722.7710.]

Instead, she was dumped with no guarantee she would even survive the ordeal