Too Good and too true to pass up the opportunity for our readers to see this one.

Harley’s Dream | Berthoud CO | Facebook

One of our volunteers was traversing an interstate in Arizona when she noticed a billboard that had a picture of an aging Chihuahua and the tagline, ‘Harley’s Dream’.

As it turned out, Harley was a ‘puppy mill’ papa, designated to provide litters for one of those unscrupulous puppy mills everyone knows exists but, too often forgets about when faced with some adorable little puppy face in a pet store window that just ‘begs’ for adoption on the spot.

Harley’s Dream — the video — tells the story far better than we. Harley lost an eye in that puppy mill when he was hit with a pressure cleaner and was about to be destroyed when a kind-hearted rescuer stepped in, saved him and set him on course to become the little ‘super hero’ he was destined to be.

In the hands of a competent [if not absolutely masterful] adopter, Harley lived his absolute best life as the ambassador for puppy mill papas everywhere, shining the light of exposure on the puppy mill industry as it exists today: incomprehensibly cruel, morbidly incompetent and inexcusably sad.

The puppies produced by them are frequently the product of inbreeding and, thus, are prone to illness and disease. The animals [short] lives are marred by abhorrent conditions and they are — by any definition — orphans removed prematurely from their parents who get little or no proper social interaction prior to showing up in that ‘pet store window’ we’re all naturally ‘drawn into’ by the adorable puppies showcased there.

Harley’s Dream is the pet rescuers nightmare but it’s so tastefully done and so incredibly enlightening, we just had to post it here to assist in educating the public about the horrors of puppy mills.

Thank You for caring.