We live in some terrifying times. Online and off, people are telling stories of having their animals stolen -- in...
Animals are born with specific traits the world at large has found almost impossible to comprehend. Some of them have...
The Equation of Recovery: Mindset, Action, Time, and the Therapeutic Power of Equine Therapy Ever had one of those “aha”...
ANIMAL OVERPOPULATION: THE SOLUTION Note: This particular article is written with an eye towards shelter pets simply because there are...
Sometimes, we don't pick them: they pick us! If you're going to adopt a wild animal, there are things you...
What stops people from adopting from the vast array of animals available today? Many potential adopters worry that the adoption...
We deal with every imaginable issue from animals struck by cars to where to take critters when moving them from...
Stop the Shots! - Are Vaccinations Killing Our Pets? Consumers need to know that Veterinarians and others are looking closely...
AlabamaAlabama Great Pyr RescueAlaskaAlaskan Great Pyrenees ClubArizonaArizona Anatolian/Great Pyrenees in NeedGreat Pyrenees Rescue SocietyArkansas Big Dogs Huge PawsBig Paws...
Room in your heart and life for a puppy?Thousands of them are dying for want of a home -- while...